1. 鑄鐵機體、重心低、鋼性強、三段式高低調整裝置、適用於工件長短變化的工作場所。
2. 附有一組大型冷卻系統、長時間工作油溫不易升高、壓力不易衰減。
3. 最大鉚合能力實心可達ψ
1. Steel famed, lower center lf gravity, strong steel flexibility, the type height adjusting device. It’s specially suitable for the situation of greatly variable working time.
2. Plus a large cooling system, the temperature of the oil is hard to raise and the pressure is hard to be decreased during the long-time working.
3. The longest solid rivet available is ψ
https://073951510.tw66.com.tw/web/SEC?postId=1093998CNC車床加工 量產製造
CNC車床加工 量產製造